COVID-19: Community X Graye

Only four months into 2020, and the effects of COVID-19 have completely overturned our lives. Drastic changes can be seen worldwide- business shutting doors, jobs affected, death tolls on the rise etc… Unfortunately, the fashion industry has been greatly impacted as well, with the entire industry forced to slow down its pace with the ongoing disruption in apparel manufacturing, fashion shows, product launches and physical retail and marketing. 
Business as usual is no longer possible. It is during such crucial moments that Graye has decided to rethink our current operations and reflect on what truly matters to us. Inspired to re-align the belief of mindfulness in our business model and structure our designs to be more purposeful and functional, Graye has decided to take this opportunity to contribute to our community through the making of protective masks for everyday wear.
“Obstacles are Opportunities in disguise” – Deepak Chopra

Designed by Graye, the Curve Mask is produced in-house from existing surplus fabric, and is made from 100% cotton for breathability and comfort. In collaboration with community partners and as part of Graye’s initiative to give back to the community, Graye will be channeling all donations collected to create more masks for low-income families, the underprivileged, as well as those who need them.


Join us, as we look to holding on, staying strong and doing our part for the community!

For more information on Graye’s Curve Mask initiative, feel free to visit our page or  reach out to us at

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